Global Team Competence
Leading and working in international and/or multidisciplinary teams
Seminar for individuals
Hinweis: Der Kurs findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Participants will develop the ability to handle and leverage cultural and disciplinary complexity to achieve higher performance and more innovative outputs in team settings.
Intercultural competencies
Team competencies
Relational competencies -
personal enablers
understanding cultural complexity
Interactive workshop with self-assessment, case studies, role plays
Minimum 7 individuals
Maximum 12 individuals -
People working, managing and leading across cultures, members of international and virtual teams, expatriates, HR development professionals
This seminar is organised and accompanied by Prof. Peter Franklin
1 day in-class lecture
850,00 Euro per participant (VAT-exempt)
Konstanz, in-class lecture
Lake Constance Graduate School gGmbH
Alfred-Wachtel-Str. 8
78462 Konstanz -
+49 7531 206 337
+49 7531 206 144
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